Sustainability - Exacta will start to offer the services of Fabric Shredding in a few weeks1/10/2021
We are grateful that we can continue to manufacture and ship all over the country, providing the essential services needed while most people stay at home.
This crisis affects us all, but it does not affect us all equally. We must recognize this and help those who are truly struggling. For those of us who still have jobs, we don’t need a check. It’s the people suddenly left without a job who need a check — not a one-time thing, but an every-week thing. Small businesses are the lifeblood of our country’s economy. Small businesses generate almost half of all the economic activity in the U.S. We are #toosmalltofail because we are too important. Money that goes to a small business stays within the local community. The same cannot be said for large corporations or chains. Give us the ability to keep our communities going, because that’s all we want to do. We are grateful that we can help our clients manufacture their PPE - which are so much needed by health workers.
Exacta Garment Ideation,